First Dental Health approach-Diet

First Dental Health approach-Diet

First Dental Health –Our current diet has induced many peoples to become deficient in certain minerals and our dental health can become adversely affected. nutritional deficiencies is one of the major reasons for Cavities in children and other people of all ages.

 We think that we are becoming enough of the needed minerals in our diet and knows the importance of minerals for our health and wellbeing.

 Much of our farmed soil has become depleted and therefore the majority of individuals cannot afford a totally organic diet. Combined with dietary choices gives us tasty food but not health,  so it’s easy to guess how these nutritional deficiencies can occur.

First Dental Health Approch – Phytic Acid Locks Up Essential Minerals

Phytic acid may be a substance commonly found in most grains, nuts and beans. it’s the power to bind to minerals in your body, a bit like a magnet. This process removes the minerals before they get an opportunity to be absorbed and deposited where we’d like them most.

 If your family’s diet consists largely of grains (crackers, cereals, breads, pastas, rice, bagels, cookies, cakes) or bean salad or raw nuts and nut butters, then chances are more that your body has more  amounts of phytic acid in your diet and not having good quantity of minerals for your teeth and bones to grow and remain strong.

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 As First Dental Health approch, In addition to reducing intake of those food types, there are food preparation methods, like soaking your beans and nuts overnight which will help remove a number of the phytic acid before it’s consumed.

Supplement addition

Keeping the system strong with antimicrobials can help push back decay and stop infection or abscesses developing. Popular antimicrobials include licorice, myrrh, goldenseal and echinacea. Including garlic in your diet wherever possible is useful for potentiating your system and preventing infections through First Dental Health approch


 Our dental enamel is approximately 90 percent phosphate .


Calcium Deficiency

The body is usually alert us and provide us valuable information back to us. We should develop ability to  learn the way to understand  the signals. Signs of calcium deficiency include:


  • Rickets, unexplained nervousness, muscle spasms and cramps, joint pains, , cataracts, insomnia and shaking .

 Getting enough calcium is vital , but the difficulty of effective uptake of calcium may have more to try to to with the shortage of Magnesium, vitamin D and K2. this will be obtained from the foods we eat or by supplementation to make sure that the calcium we are digesting is really getting absorbed correctly. If any of those are lacking the body will pass much of the available calcium from the body before it are often used.

Vitamins A, C and D

 If not enough of those vitamins are being absorbed by the body, the teeth will break down and loosen.

 Vitamin K2

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 Naturally found within the fermented Japanese dish of Natto Beans, this supplement has gained much attention recently. it’s reported that anyone who is taking vitamin D or Calcium supplementation should even be taking K2.

 It is naturally found in egg yolks and a few hard cheeses; however, the quantity claimed to be needed in our diet is essentially unattainable unless you’re frequently consuming the fermented Natto Bean mixture.

 K2 helps to deposit minerals like calcium into the right places in our bodies, like the bones and therefore the teeth and take away excess calcium from where we don’t want it deposited, like between the joints, where it can cause painful inflammation.


 Ever important for bone, teeth, skin and hair care, you’ll add this mineral to your diet with horsetail tea.